When going to Norway, you should first of all take the following documents necessary to enroll your child in school:
a sworn translation into Norwegian of the child’s birth certificate,
proof of identity – passport,
school certificates and a sworn translation of a school certificate from the last year of education in Poland into Norwegian,
each time only one of them travels with a child spouses, a sworn translation into Norwegian should be provided notarial consent of the other spouse to the child’s departure border,
a photocopy of the spouse’s identity card in Poland confirmed by a notary.
As the school year starts in Norway in mid-August, you need to start taking care of all the formalities with the right one in advance. The first step is to go to the municipal office – kommunen and submitting an application to admit the child to school. Official collects the child’s personal data from us. Please provide a valid number phone number and e-mail address. (When you rent an apartment or a house, you should make sure that our name appears on the mailbox, because if we neglect it, the postman will not deliver the expected delivery shipment.) After receiving an e-mail from kommunen, contact office, preferably by phone. Then we will receive an invitation to meeting already at the school premises. You should go there with your child. A representative of the commune, the director, usually participates in such a meeting schools (en rector) and a Polish teacher.
You must bring your number issued in Norway to the meeting at the school personal identity of the child, i.e. Norwegian Pesel – et personnummer / et fødselsnummer.
To receive a personal number for a child, you need accordingly register online early at www.udi.no i schedule a visit to the police separately for the child, separately for yourself. (Go to the website www.udi.no, choose on the bottom right the Søknadsportalen tab. On the next page, select the middle Opprett brukerkonto site. The Brukerregistrering page appears on which we enter our personal data. We create an account and receive a password. After creating the account, select the Timebestilling tab and make an appointment for a specific appointment to the police) You must report to the police together with your child within the prescribed period. You need to take an employment contract, a tenancy agreement, passports, files giving birth to a child, consent of the spouse to travel abroad, a photocopy of the spouse’s ID card. The child is given consent to stay. After this visit you will receive confirmation of registration – registreringsbevis for EU / EØS-borgere. Then go to Skatteetaten, the Norwegian tax office, and take it with you the child’s registreringbevis and all other documents. We fill out there notification of a move to Norway for a child and after month, his personal number is sent to us.
The higher the level of Norwegian language knowledge the child reaches before departure, the easier and faster it will integrate with other children in a Norwegian school. He will not lose the first school year of education in Norway, which in the absence of knowledge of Norwegian will necessarily be largely devoted to acquiring the right competencies language, for example in the so-called velkomstklasse / innføringsklasse.